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A New Language for Falling Out of Love by Meghan Privitello

Cover Art: Polly Morgan, Cover & Interior Design: Alban Fischer
Paperback, 80 pages, 6" X 8"
January 2015, ISBN 978-1-936919-31-4


About Meghan Privitello


Meghan Privitello is the author of A New Language for Falling Out of Love and the chapbook Notes on the End of the World (Black Lawrence Press, 2016). Her work has appeared in Boston Review, Guernica, Kenyon Review Online, A Public Space, Sixth Finch, Gulf Coast, & elsewhere. Poems from A New Language for Falling Out of Love are included in the anthologies Best New Poets and Please Excuse This Poem: 100 New Poems for the Next Generation. She is the recipient of a NJ State Council of the Arts Fellowship in Poetry.

A New Language for Falling Out of Love by Meghan Privitello

SKU: 0000024
  • $5 Digital Version Coming Soon!


  • About A New Language for Falling Out of Love

    Through rapid associations and inquisitions with objects of domesticity, A New Language for Falling Out of Love attempts to discover why we must suffer in love, loneliness, and loss, as it engages in dialogue with a grand cast of animate and inanimate objects that also seem to ache to know what it takes to be and feel alive. The speaker is determined to discover “the mathematics of the living” in any way she can, never giving up on the seemingly impossible quest of finding happiness among what seems ruined.


    This book is both plea and valediction: a reckoning with a loss that darkens and darkens until it blooms. 


    —Allison Titus


    A New Language for Falling Out of Love is a good book to be reading when your plane goes down, when the dumptruck runs the redlight, when the neighborhood sugar factory explodes. Enamored with the flames & pleasures of the world, it also sees them passing & processed already in the spark. It assures us that we are all possible.


    —Mathias Svalina

  • Reviews & Interviews

    Review by Melanie Tague at Atticus Review

    Interview with Late Night Library

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